Website Feedback Survey
Feedback now closed. The new site will be launching shortly.

Website Feedback Survey
Please send in your feedback by December 1st
As salaamu alaykum. After a year of developing a new updated website and logo for the Farm of Peace, we are ready for you to have a look! Deadline for feedback: Sunday, December 1st.
Hundreds of hours went into this volunteer project with much collaboration and input so that we could have many voices in the community represented. We hope you love it and can take a moment of celebration with us!
Now we would like to give you a chance to offer feedback before we launch it to the public, help us catch typos or major errors that we may have missed.
Here’s what to keep in mind as you have a look:
- The overall site design: colors, layout and structure/architecture will NOT Change.
- Logos will NOT CHANGE
- Photos CAN be changed. You will see some are photos of us and some are stock images. If you have paramount objections, please let us know. We have permission for all of the children in any photo.
- PLEASE FIND TYPOS, grammatical errors, misinformation that you can.
- THE CALENDAR is not set for registration yet but has events and their info. If you have the time to dig this deep, let us know if something is incorrect. Our new Volunteer-led Web Team will be taking on the new training for using our new Calendar so much of the calendar will be updated as we go along.
- Please remember, a website is a “Living Document.” It will ebb and flow, grow and change, as the Farm grows and anything can be adjusted as we roll along.