WPForms Test...

Tuition is FREE for Newcomers attending Saturday thru Monday of the Path of Love program! Otherwise, regular tuition applies.

In consideration to Sufi Center East, Inc., (“SCE”) and the Farm of Peace (“FOP”), and their owners, officers, employees, faculty, agents, directors, subsidiaries, practitioners, and affiliates, for permitting me to participate in programs, courses, sessions, volunteer activities and other activities (“Activities”), I agree as follows:

1. I understand that I am participating in a voluntary activity and assume all risks and liabilities associated with this Activity.

2. I am able to participate in the Activities. I represent that I am mentally and physically able to participate in the Activities. I have obtained a medical opinion in that regard or I have voluntarily chosen not to do so.

3. SCE does not provide medical treatment. Safety standards will be discussed and first aid will be administered if needed. The availability of first aid is not intended to be or imply medical or psychological diagnosis, advice or treatment. Although some individuals involved with SCE may be licensed to practice medicine, others are not, and, regardless, I am not seeking medical or psychological diagnosis, advice or treatment from them.

4. I release SCE and the owners of the Farm of Peace from all liability associated with my participation in the Activities. I, for myself and for my heirs, successors and assigns, voluntarily release, discharge, waive and relinquish Sufi Center East, Inc., and the Farm of Peace and its owners, officers, employees, faculty, agents, directors, subsidiaries, practitioners, and affiliates, and their heirs, executors, successors and assigns, and agree to hold the same harmless from and against, any and all actions or causes of action for negligence, professional malpractice, personal injury, property damage, wrongful death, emotional distress, and every other cause of action whatsoever whether arising in tort, contract or under any other legal theory, occurring to me as a result of my participation in the Activities and all activities incidental thereto, wherever or however the same may occur.

This agreement cannot be modified by word or conduct of any party. If any provision is declared invalid, all other provisions will remain in full force and effect. This Agreement will be interpreted under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. By signing, I acknowledge that I have read and understand each provision of this agreement and that I agree to each provision.

Clear Signature
Use finger to sign on a touch device. Use mouse or track pad on computer.
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