As we end another difficult and trying year, we seek prayers and protection, trust and safety in Allah. Our annual New Year’s khalwah will be this Friday by Zoom. Because of the rise of Covid infections and limited capacity in the dome room, we thought it best for everyone’s health to not have an in-person gathering of the entire community.
To make it special given the circumstances, we would like to suggest a different start of the khalwah.
At 7:30: Write down what you need to “let go of from this past year or even further back. What are you holding on to that no longer serves you or our community, i.e. mistrust, gossip, rumors, suspicions, hurt feelings, wounds, fears or worries,” Write them down on a piece of paper, pray to Allah to clean your heart and release you from this burden and then burn your paper. Symbolically, letting the fire of Allah’s love, wash this with His Mercy.
When you are finished with this, do wudu, pray two rakats, setting your intention for the khalwah and then join the Zoom call.
At 8:00pm: Gather via Zoom for the formal instructions for the “Prayer for Peace” special khalwah Sidi gave us for just such a year as this.
Inshallah, we will take a short break at midnight to bring in the New Year and share our wishes for 2022. If you wish, have a drink of sparkling soda or water to celebrate and a noise maker or two.
With our Love and Blessing for a Prosperous and Peaceful New Year,
In service,
Salima Adelstein
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