How We Serve

The roots of Shadhiliyya Sufism are Unity. Our guide, Sidi, gave us the task of seeing the “Flag of Peace” within each home and each heart we come into contact with. No matter what someone’s path is, the truth of our way is the Path of Love, Peace, Mercy, Justice and Freedom for all people on this beautiful earth; we welcome the hearts that are longing for this awakening and connection within.

We have built our programs one at a time, from the ground up, to be of service to the hearts yearning for unity in body, mind, heart and spirit through our CSA, our Wellness programs, our weekly, monthly and annual Sufi Gatherings, our youth programs, food donations, and through our charitable work. This includes our commitment to be of service to and care for the Earth.

We welcome you to be a part of that service and visit us here at the Farm of Peace for one of our programs.

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